About Bristol Firewood
Bristol Firewood is situated just outside Saltford along the A4 linking Bath and Bristol. We sell the very best in terms of value for money and quality of logs. The logs are a mixture of Ash and Beech and are kiln dried to ensure optimum ease of lighting and maximum heat output. All our wood is netted for your convenience and has a moisture content of 12 – 15%. In addition to logs we also sell kindling by the box and coal on request. If there is anything else that you are after please let us know and we will do our upmost to cater for your needs.
Kiln Dried: All our logs are Kiln dried so they have a lower moisture content than seasoned wood. Kiln drying also kills off the creepy crawlies that you don’t want to bring into your house and prevents mould growing on the logs.
Hardwood logs: These logs have a higher calorific content meaning they will burn for longer and give out more heat. We sell only a mixture of the very best for burning – Ash and Beech.
Burns cleaner: The drier the wood the greater the amount energy that will be given off as heat rather than steam. This is ideal for keeping the glass on your log burner cleaner and reduces the build up within your chimney/flue.
Safer: Kiln dried logs are safer to burn as the lower moisture content means they are less likely to ‘spit’ whilst being burnt.